My husband and I found out we were having our 1st child back in January 2011 and up until July there were very few problems. I had morning sickness that no medication could help, had a small subchorionic-hematoma and that was the worst of it. Then July 1st I found myself not feeling right. I knew I should call the Dr but I put it off.
After many hours of feeling off and on top of things, not feeling my baby move, I called. They sent me for a non-stress test. I was contracting! I had no idea that my “off feelings” were contractions. I felt discomfort, tightness at the most. I expected to know I was contracting. At the hospital I was given an IV, and a shot of Terbutaline sulfate. When my contractions stopped, I was sent home. It was a scary moment to say the least.
Two days later, it happened again! I was back to the hospital for another IV and another shot. This time they didn’t stop with one shot of T.S., so I was given another. It took hours for the contractions to slow. I was sent home with the pill form of T.S. to take for the next 3 days.
Nearly a week went by and everything was fine, but then the contractions started again! This time it was much different. It hurt! The Dr ordered an fFN test and checked my cervix. I had also started to dilate and efface.When the Dr told us my fFN test came back as a positive I locked panic filled eyes with my husband and then broke down into tears. How could my baby boy cope with being born so early? The Dr talked to me about the fFN test coming back positive, while being an indicator of something to monitor closely, it did not mean I would deliver in the next two weeks for certain.
I spent the next few days in the hospital, with my husband by my side. We worried, wished, hoped and prayed for our baby to be healthy. I received steroid shots for his little lungs. When finally I stopped contracting as badly I was sent home with orders for bed rest. I spent the next 8 weeks on bed rest. I took Procardia to keep our little guy cooking as long as possible. My days were boring and long but I learned to cope.
As soon as I stopped taking the Procardia, on doctor's orders at my 36 week appointment, the contractions started to worsen. They had never gone away completely since my time in the hospital. My next appointment I was dilated and effaced much more then before. Then after coming home my water broke. I was induced later that day and my little man was born at 37 weeks, happy and healthy! I am so grateful to every resource, and every positive vibe and prayer I had sent my way, while I tried to keep little man cooking as long as possible in the baby oven. I send the same to all of you. May your bed-rest story have as happy of an ending as mine.