
Helpful links

Sorry for not posting for a few days. We had an eventful few days. My sister came to visit (we live far from each other so it was a big deal). Then little man had an allergic reaction to something- but we still have no clue what it was. Thankfully that wasn't that big of a deal and he recovered very quickly.

Today I wanted to share some links that may be helpful.
Sidelines Non-profit for complicated pregnancies and premature births
Bedrest Checklist- (from Sidelines)Take this to your Dr as a guide for your activity level on bedrest
17P info (from Sidelines)
Gestational Diabetes (from Sidelines)
Preterm Labor (from Sidelines)
Pregnant with multiples (from Sidelines)
March of Dimes
ADA Gestational Diabetes page
Baby Center Gestational Diabetes page
Baby Center Bedrest page
Baby Center Preclampsia page
Baby Center Preterm labor page
Baby Center IUGR page
Baby Center Placenta Previa Page
Baby Center Placental Abruption page
Baby Center Excessive Amniotic Fluid Page
Baby Center Cervical Insufficiency page
Preeclampsia Foundation

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