
Learning to cope Part : Panic sets in

Upon hearing the term "Bed Rest" I went into panic mode. Who would do the shopping, the cleaning, the cooking? What am I suppose to do all day? What will I do about work? Little man's room, oh dear lord little man's room is no where near ready!

After spending time in the hospital thinking about what I would do, I formulated a plan. I would continue to feed my family with simple meals that required little to no effort on my part. Planning them would keep me sane, making them would make me feel useful. I would call work, talk to them about working from home (I am so so sooo fortunate that they allowed me). If  I couldn't work from home I would exhaust every resource I had to save money and bring in some cash. I would enjoy my time, and attempt to keep myself from feeling like my bedroom was a prison.

So when you get the dreaded order for bed-rest first and foremost ladies, DO NOT PANIC! Stress is not good for you and for goodness sake your already on bed-rest! ;) Learn what kind of bed-rest you are being placed on, and what you are allowed to do, and what is forbidden. Follow Dr's orders, you want your baby to stay in the baby oven as long as possible. Most of my tips will be geared towards those on a "Modified Bed-rest" but I hope everyone can take something from my words.

Initially my bed rest wasn't that strict and I was allowed 1 day out to go grocery shopping. After I had ended up in the hospital for three days, trying to stop my labor and my bed-rest was suddenly a much stricter version of modified bed-rest. I was allowed up for a short shower, and up for 10 minutes or less a few times a day. I was instructed to stay off the stairs if I could avoid it. I was also instructed not to lift anything heavier then my cat. Why my cat? I have no idea, that was just the example they used. For the record she is 9lbs. Basically I was to remain in bed 95% of my time. Clearly I, and everyone who had/is currently on or will be placed on bed-rest in the future, we are all up for a mentally and emotionally challenging time.

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